The following is an article I wrote for a local magazine:

We hear more and more about our Lymphatic system these days. How much do you know about your lymphatic system? I find that when asked, people know that the Lymphatic system has lymph nodes that get swollen when you get sick, and thats about the most they know. Generally speaking, not much is known about the lymphatic system.

So let me tell you more about your Lymphatic System. It is made up of lymph nodes (around 600+), lymphatic vessels (separate from blood vessels), lymphatic fluid and a few organs including tonsils and spleen. It is a circulatory system that runs throughout your whole body, even in your brain.

The short story is that it’s responsible for:

  • Maintaining the body’s fluid levels

  • Dropping off nutrients to cells

  • Removing waste from cells

  • Supporting the Immune System

The lymphatic system is a major fluid highway that supports every cell, organ and system in the body.

Unlike the blood system which uses the heart to pump blood thru blood vessels, there is no central pump to move the lymphatic fluid thru the immense lymphatic network throughout the body. Lymphatic fluid is moved only by muscle movement. This can be problematic if we are not moving enough, or in the right ways.

One of the other challenges to the lymphatic system is the vast amount of toxins we are exposed to. I tell my clients that the lymphatic system had a full day’s work back in the days of the Garden of Eden; we are now in a much different world. Our lymphatic system has to deal with; processing heavy metals, pesticides, GMO foods, chemical food additives, prescription and OTC medications, and much more.

OK, now on to the practices to support your lymphatic system.

  1. MOVE. This includes all exercise. You can add targeted movement like rebounding, which is bouncing lightly on a mini trampoline, dry brushing using the proper techniques, and the easiest of all, deep breathing (our big muscle the diaphragm is helpful in moving our lymphatic fluid).

  2. DETOXIFY. We detoxify 4 different ways: thru sweating, breathing, peeing and pooping. Support these avenues of detoxification by

    a. deep sweating in a Far Infrared Sauna.

    b. Deep exhales to breathe out toxins from our lungs.

    c. Drinking lots of clean water every day.

    d. Making sure you have good poops daily (if not, you can help detoxify your colon with enemas or professional colonics).

  3. REDUCE. Lessen the load being placed on the lymphatic system by reducing daily intake of toxins; eat organic, reduce the use of plastics in the kitchen, clean up beauty and personal care products, filter water and air, etc

The bottom line is when we have a healthy well running lymphatic system, all of the cells, organs and systems in our body work better to help us to stay healthier overall.

Feel free to reach out to me for guidance in proper dry brushing, rebounding, and all other questions about the benefits of lymphatic therapy.

Improve your lymphatic health by scheduling a lymphatic massage therapy session.

For more information follow me on IG @lympahtictherapynewportbeach

Check out my website @ www.lymphatictherapynewportbeach.com

Brenda Oglesby